Why incoming SHS Student must choose (TVL) Technical-Vocational and Livelihood


The implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines includes the introduction of senior high school (SHS), or grades 11 and 12, the final 2 years in a new 6-year secondary education system. While previous curricular focused mainly on readiness for postsecondary education, the SHS curriculum aims to prepare students for either further education or employment. SHS students undertake a standard core curriculum and can choose from four tracks of specialization: academic, technical-vocational and livelihood (TVL), sports, or arts and design. 

The academic track is further divided into four strands: accountancy, business, and management (ABM); science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); humanities and social sciences (HUMSS); and general academic. The TVL track also has four strands and various specializations under each one: home economics; information and communications technology (ICT); agri-fishery arts; and industrial arts. There are two specific specializations for the maritime industry: the pre-baccalaureate maritime specialization—a modified STEM curriculum—and the TVL maritime specialization. 


 is designed for computer-savvy students. In this strand, students also take the core courses and the specialized hands-on courses where they will be trained to utilize information and communication tools. The program develops students’ ICT skills and competencies which are advantageous for jobs in technology-revolutionized industries and institutions. After completing this strand, students can still take degree courses in higher education especially those related to web design, data management, communication, radio and television technology, graphic design, computer programming, animation, online business, IT sales, computer engineering, information technology, and software and network engineering. TVL-ICT offers two specializations: Animation and Computer Programming Students in this strand undergo TESDA assessment for National Certifications (NCs) that increase their employability after graduation from SHS. They can also take degree courses in college especially those which are related to business, entrepreneurship, culinary arts, hospitality and tourism management, nutrition, food technology, food management, fashion management, and interior design. TVL-HE offers three specializations: Bread and Pastry Production, Food and Beverages Service, and Housekeeping.

If you are really not sure if you will be able to pursue any degree after Senior High or if you want to earn money immediately after graduation, then this track is for you. Even without college, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track will equip you with job-ready skills in the future. This track also invests primarily on skills that can gain you requisite COCs (Certificates of Competency) and NCs (National Certifications) which would be essential when looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade. This is also important when applying abroad where the skills you gain would prepare you as you join the workforce. Also, according to the Department of Education, the TVL specializations may be taken between Grades 9 to 12. Exploratory Subjects at 40 hours per quarter are taken during Grades 7 to 8. Just like in the Academic Track, there are four strands you can choose from to make sure that you will go with your right fit.

TVL Opportunities

By engaging students to TVL and giving them chance to explore TVL – related concepts they will develop a desire for it and hopefully overtake a job in TVL.

What will I become if I choose TVL?

I took TVL strand because I decided to take The Home Economics track offers various specializations that can lead to livelihood projects at home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that can help me in finding the right employment.


TVL Benifits

  • It provokes experimentation – technological advancement doesn’t invented if the inventor did not give a little risk-taking to test or establish hypothesis on his/her suspicion.
  • It incite teamwork – students cooperate to find solution of a problem
  • Acceptance of failure – students experience to fall and try again. Not every game we win, but sometimes we lose, accepting defeat makes us braver and more positive to continue the battle
  • Critical Thinking – it broadens our knowledge and teach us to apply every situation into our real life
  • Develop Self-Confidence – it boost our moral in taking TVL
As a grade11 student of Matti National High school I would like to say that to be in TVL is not easy, especially today we are facing this pandemic while struggling on our studies,but we have to know how to handle this. Time Management and discipline is very needed.The subjects in TVL is very useful because we can use it in the real world.

(TVL) isn’t a standalone clas- it’s
a way  to intentionally incorporate different (TVL) subj ects  across an existing curriculum. (TVL)  based education teaches children more than science and Mathematics concepts. The focus on hands-on learning with world applications help develop a variety of skills sets, including creativity and 21st -century skills. If I were you choose (TVL).